New Posts / book cover

New book covers

Suspense, mystery and crime  - plainpicture cover images for recently released books in Germany.
Photography by Dave Wall, Martin Benner, Jean Marmeisse.

New book covers

Some new book covers using images by plainpicture photographers mia takahara, Lucja Romanowska and Cristopher Civitillo.

New book covers in France

New French literature - book cover using images by plainpicture photographers Stephen Caroll, Philippe Lesprit and Reiner Ohms.

plainpicture book covers

See some new english books. Cover designed by using planpicture images by Sylvia Ballhause, Silveri, Neue Bildanstalt/Truong

New book covers

Breathtaking, thrilling stories placed within the scientific world - new series by ZEIT-Edition. Cover images by plainpicture photographers Reilika Landen, Anja Weber-Decker, harry+ lidy, G. Bursac, Christian Kuhn

plainpicture book covers

Searching for people, places, ways to live - new book covers using plainpicture photography by Jean-Pierre Attal, Tim Robinson, Andrea Völkel

plainpicture book covers

New book covers in black and white - images by plainpicture photographers Martin Benner, Willing-Holtz and Régis Domergue

plainpicture book covers

Recently published English books - cover material by plainpicture photographers Lubitz + Dorner, Tom Hogan, Mira/Brian Berg

plainpicture book covers

Crime and suspense ... some new book covers using images of plainpicture photographers BY, Anja Weber-Decker, Elodie Ledure

plainpicture book covers

Crime classics by Georges Simenon - book covers by plainpicture.
images by  Ingrid Michel, jacquelinemccullough, neuebildanstalt/Einecke, PhotoAlto/Christian Zachariasen