plainpicture portraits
plainpicture portraits: A diverse spectrum of individual characters visualized by plainpicture photographers. Faces »
- 27 Jan 11:30
- Featured photography
plainpicture portraits: A diverse spectrum of individual characters visualized by plainpicture photographers. Faces »
New books all around Europe using images by plainpicture photographers Marie Docher, Lucja Romanowska, Ingo Kukatz.
Book cover images »
Structure & clear shapes by new plainpicture photographer Vlad Aynet.
Michel Houellebecq’s new german book „Vernichten“ using a cover image by plainpicture photographer Ludovic Mornand.
The city never sleeps - urban images by plainpicture photographers. City Lights »
Der August-Sander-Preis für Porträtfotografie wird im Jahr 2022 zum dritten Mal vergeben. Vor dem Hintergrund der Porträtfotografien von August Sander sollen sich die fotografischen Werke der Bewerber:innen vorrangig auf das Thema des menschlichen Porträts beziehen. Mit der Auszeichnung verbindet sich die Idee, junge zeitgenössische künstlerische Ansätze im Sinne der sachlich-konzeptuellen Fotografie zu fördern. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind nationale und internationale Künstler:innen.
Einsendeschluss ist der 28. Januar 2022.
Still lifes put in scene by new plainpicture photographer Florence Pierre.
Pure moments by plainpicture: black and white images by plainpicture photographers.
MonoVisions Photography Awards 2022 are an international open call for photographers using black and white medium to express their visual language. The annual competition is open to photographers of all backgrounds and all levels, including - professionals and amateurs. We accept all forms of black and white photography created with traditional or digital methods.
January, 23rd 2022 - Early Deadline
Photo: Kohei Ueno - In my own bubble
The Ministry of Culture has launched a large photographic commission, led by the Bibliothèque National de France (BNF)
We are happy to count, among the first hundred winners, the plainpicture photographers Céline Clanet, Marie Docher, Chau-Cuong Lê and Gilles Leimdorfer.
Following this order, the BnF will integrate these works into the national collections in its custody. A retrospective exhibition is scheduled for fall 2024.