plainpicture series stills
Pure still photography by plainpicture. Images by Christopher Civitillo, HANDKE + NEU, Ralf Grossek, Spitta + Hellwig, Yvonne Röder, Arne Eichhof and Virginie Plauchut.
- 19 Aug 12:45
- Featured photography
Pure still photography by plainpicture. Images by Christopher Civitillo, HANDKE + NEU, Ralf Grossek, Spitta + Hellwig, Yvonne Röder, Arne Eichhof and Virginie Plauchut.
FYC – Fuck You Corona : Fotografische Positionen zur Pandemie. Fotograf Peter Lietdke plant im Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen eine Ausstellung mit Fotoarbeiten, die sich auf ungewöhnliche Weise mit dem Thema Corona auseinandersetzen – journalistisch, künstlerisch, dokumentarisch oder inszeniert, mit Text oder ohne, mit Infrarotkamera, Großbildkamera oder Handy, mit Portraits oder Selbstportraits ... es ist viel entstanden und es soll sichtbar gemacht werden.
Mehr Informationen unter:
Fotoprojekte Liedtke, Peter Liedtke, Munscheidstr. 14, 45886 Gelsenkirchen
Einsendeschluss: 31. August 2021
photo: Fred Hüning
Bring in the harvest - images by plainpicture photographer Bernd Webler.
Crime and suspense - covers in Germany using images by plainpicture photographers Anja Weber-Decker, arturimages/Christioph von Haussen and Millenium/Mohamad Itani.
Quality time by the sea - the images of plainpicture photographer Ralf Wilken.
Now over 15 years old, BJP International Photography Award discovers the best in contemporary talent around the world — and has launched the careers of some of today’s biggest names.
Deadline: 19 August 2021
photo:Meghan Dogherty
Landscapes - new plainpicture photography. Drive into the day!
Some book covers in France using plainpicture images by Yuriy Orgakov, B.O.A. and Anzenberger/Horst Friedrichs.
Symbols and concepts visualized by plainpicture photographers Schiesswohl, Charlotte Zobel, miep, Dave Wall and Rui Camilo.
The Environmental Photographer of the Year supports the urgent calls to action of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, recognising the intricate interconnected nature of development, poverty reduction, equality, security and climate action and the unprecedented effort from all sectors of society required to address the defining issues of our time. The competition showcases the most inspirational environmental photography from around the world.
Entries close on 14 August 2021
photo: Ashim Kumar Mukhopadhyay