New Posts / book cover

Book covers in France

French books using cover images by plainpicture photographers aurelia frey, Marie Tercafs, nico.

New English book covers

It is a thriller! Some new English book covers using images by plainpicture photographers Jean Marmaisse, mia takahara and Philippe Lesprit.

Book cover in Germany

Deutschland 2050 by Toralf Staud and Nick Reimer published at Kiepenheuer & Witsch. Cover image by plainpicture photographer Tanja Luther. An overview of climate change consequences in Germany based on latest scientific research results.

New book cover

Dreamland - new apocalyptic novel by Rosa Rankin-Gee using cover images by plainpicture photographers Mikesch and Ekaterina Vasilyeva - published by Scribner UK.

German book covers

New books in Germany using images by plainpicture photographers Wolfgang Steiner, Hartmann + Beese and Anna Matzen.

Book covers in France

Some books in France using cover images by plainpicture photographers Mario Monaco, Deb Schwedhelm and Dave Wall.

New Crime Book Covers

Crime and suspense - English book covers using images by plainpicture photographers Gordon Spooner, Richard Nixon and Bjanka Kadic.

New German book covers

New books in Germany using images by plainpicutre photographers BY, Adeline Spengler and Stefanie Giesder.

New book cover

Number One bestseller from scratch - the new novel by Juli Zeh "Über Menschen" published at Luchterhand Literaturverlag - book cover image fStop / DEEPOL by plainpicture.

Book covers

New books in Germany using images by plainpicture photographers Kniel Synnatzschke, Daniel K Schweitzer and Mark Owen.